Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's Friday yyyyy!

Well another week just went past, can you believe it? The big hit of the week, I saw a painting demonstration by Jim DeCeasere at the East Hampton Art Association that was very entertaining. See the result here.
I went to see the Fine Art and Flowers Exhibit, but missed most of it, my favorite?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Five Paintings For Submission

I'm adding some of my images to my Blog for submission to art contest. Feel free to comment.

These images are copyrighted and cannot be used or duplicated without permission from the artist.

Roasting Chestnuts in the Square
copyright B. Rossitto, 2007

Impressions of Main Street, Old Wethersfield
Copyright B. Rossitto 2006

Artist in the Garden,
copyright 2006 B.Rossitto

Rocky Shore, Salmon River

copyright 2007 B. Rossitto

Chase the Chill Away

Copyright 2006 B.Rossitto

A Day at the New Britian Museum For American Art

I had a great day today with my niece Alessia 7 yrs.

I took her to a painting class with artist Shauna Shane.

And she painted a carousel horse (first day). Tomorrow she will add color.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Busy Doing Nothing (much)

Well, it's been a busy week, but I don't know what I've done. Haven't done any painting, but did take some photos of my garden. They're up!
And watched some videos on UTube, trying to make some of
my own, but I've got a lot to learn! This one is from boothsteve

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Item available - Grizwold Gardens View From the River Print

I joined yet another artist site, Fine Art America where you can order some of my original art works as an economical fine art print,

Support Colchester Land Trust

Colchester Land Trust is having a fine art auction to raise money to purchase land for the trust. Land owned by the trust will not be developed, but remain in its natural state. The Salmon River and Comstock bridge are some well known places that are part of the trust. I have submitted my 'plein air' watercolor painting of the Salmon River on the opening day of the fishing season 2007.

My painting "Salmon River Spring" is part of the auction.

My friend Diane Stone also has a painting in the auction.